RD4949.)SS REGIMENTAL STANDARD: a fantastic vintage counterfeit, one made to screw you. It's aged and unbelievably convincing, radiates originality. If you found this standard at a local militaria show you'd be convinced that it's original. Properly fashioned in every respect, double-sided heavy red cotton fabric with dimensions being 43x52". With separately machine sewn on white roundel and separately applied black swastika. Aged and mildly soiled. I have no idea how it was done but this flag looks like it's 85-years old. In each upper canton is separately sewn on 6x8" black woolen felt regimental panel with impeccably hand embroidered details 'II/SS 3' (2nd Company/3rd SS Regiment). With the remains of seven tabs along the bunting for mounting rings. Each tab is correctly machine sewn on with 'X' pattern and rings have been cut off to add to flags convince-ability. Nothing glows on this flag (of course there's the typical purple reflection with the silver bullion wire details but these details do not glow). 2" black fringe with silver metallic embellishments along borders. EXC++

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  • Item No:RD4949